Well, this is me standing in front of the apartment of my official photographer. It takes her forever to get ready.
Another picture of me just because I needed something to do while she had to go back upstairs about a gazillion times.
Once we
finally got underway things were okay. The ashphalt was pretty hot and as I looked behind me I could see I was leaving tracks behind me. I have a feeling this trip is going to be pretty hard on me. I bet I will lose a ton of weight.
I stopped for a bit beside my favorite hydrangea bush and watched a few trains go by. It's one of my favorite spots in Tokyo. My official photographer was a bit annoyed, but hey, who's the star here?
I finally made it to Senzoku Ike station. As you can see, buying a ticket provides a few challenges. First, I'm sure you are all asking, "Where does he keep his money?"
Well, since I'm made of clay, I tried stuffing the money inside me and pulling it out of my side when I need it, but people didn't seem to like getting money that was covered with yellow chunks of clay. Now I just make my official photographer carry my cash. See how useful she is? Now if she would just lift me up onto these things instead of making me climb up, we'd really be cooking with gas.
Okay, here's my official photographer.
She's not made of clay or anything interesting, but I guess that she is okay. She tried to get my picture with this really cool older Japanese gent but he said,"No, I'll take a picture of you!" So here she is.
Now the photos on the platform were pretty difficult and I must say, I completely blame the photographer. It was windy on the platform and I kept falling over. I ask you, so what if people are staring? Why didn't she just lie down her tummy on the platform the first time and get it over with? Sheesh! Hello! Made of clay here! Things stick to me.
Here is my last photo for this entry. It's me taking a well earned rest before I get on the train.