Monday, August 13, 2007

Kanagawa to Hodogaya: Back on Track

My big battle to get my stick back.

This time my photographer got it right and she had all her stuff packed up the night before. Still, her husband was laughing and teasing her about having all her stuff before she left in the morning. What that girl puts up with! Makes me glad I'm a single clay fella.

It turns out that the girls had found the right trail yesterday so spent some time walking over ground they'd covered the day before. Jamie was with us again and the three of us had some fun chatting and shooting.

Someone had the brilliant idea of shooting a picture with me in a tree. Nice idea, but what did I say about safety lines? Does anyone listen to me? Nooooo. Of course I ended up falling on my head and getting bent out of shape. Literally as well as figuratively. I also noticed that my hachimaki (that red and white headband I wear) got really warped. Grrr. And as for dirt! Let's just say that I will always carry a little bit of Kanagawa inside me. In this picture, I'm on a railing under the tree but STILL no safety lines!

Ha ha! I had fun trying to get my picture taken with this salary man.
There are several pics in this slide show.

This part of the walk was nice. And it was short! The afternoon ended up being cloudy so it wasn't blindingly hot. It was nice not to leave little bits of myself behind as I melted into my surroundings.

The parting shot for the day. The blurry sign in the background reads, "Hodogaya Station." It was too dark to use a smaller f-stop and get better depth of field.

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